About IDMC Conference


IDMC stands for Intentional Disciple Making Church. It is a movement of Churches recognising the need for authentic discipleship and intentional disciplemaking. An initiative of IDMC Movement led by Reverend Paul Jeyachandran, our mission is to call churches from all around the world, back to their disciplemaking roots.

From the first conference held in 2013 of 250 delegates, the annual IDMC Conference in Sydney has flourished and grown in both impact and engagement both locally, and now across the world. Each year’s conference is distinct in itself; each addressing specific areas of critical concern in disciplemaking churches today. IDMC Conferences aim to be catalytic in sounding a clear clarion call for intentional disciplemaking in the local church. It seeks to provoke thinking, to provide perspective and to promote intentional disciplemaking in churches.


Delegates from around the
world joining online in 2023


Years of IDMC Conferences in
Sydney and online since 2013


Online Rallies available
globally in 2024


Onsite conferences around
the world in 2024

The Movement & Mandate Behind the Conference

About IDMC Movement


The Intentional Disciple Making Church Movement (IDMC Movement) Australia was established in 2012 and is driven by the call to be authentic disciples of Jesus Christ and intentional disciplemakers of a certain kind. Its Directors, Rev Paul and Ps Esabel, learnt the IDMC way of life and ministry under the tutelage of Ps Edmund and Ps Ann Chan. Ps Edmund is the founder of the Global Alliance of Intentional Disciple Making Churches which gave birth to the philosophy of IDMC.

The Critical Need for Authentic Discipleship & Intentional Disciplemaking

The goal of disciplemaking is not merely transferring information or accumulating knowledge. It is about life transformation. We are not called to merely appreciate or admire the truth; we are called to apply it. When believers grow in applying God's Word, it leads to spiritual maturity. This is the goal of our conferences - to address critical topics which help to inspire and compel believers to embark on a journey of transformation to become authentic disciples of Jesus, and intentional disciplemakers of a certain kind.

Visit the IDMC Movement Website to lEarn More
Continuing the Discipleship Journey

IDMC College


Over the years, we have had numerous churches and leaders ask how they can partner with us and embark on the IDMC journey. We have observed that by creating intentional discipleship environments, we have been able to inspire, train, equip, and mobilise churches and leaders toward intentional disciplemaking. Therefore, our IDMC College was launched as a platform to gather, train, and resource churches and individuals worldwide, without any barriers. Gain free access to discipleship training, leadership training, small group curricula, theological training, past IDMC Conferences, and more.

Visit IDMC COllegeBrowse Courses